by Leonard Zeskind | Nov 10, 2009 | 2009
A Re-Birth at IREHR.orgThe Zeskind Fortnight No. 21A Personal Statement by Leonard Zeskind The Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights (IREHR) is a different kind of organization. We didn’t hesitate to point at the racism motivating the Tea...
by Leonard Zeskind | Sep 9, 2009 | 2009
Guns, History, Nazis, and “Enemies of the State” The Zeskind Fortnight No. 20by Leonard Zeskind He was a lone figure in this video posted on the Kansas City Minuteman Civil Defense Corps website. Carrying a small piece of cardboard with “Tax the...
by Leonard Zeskind | Aug 24, 2009 | 2009
Guns, the NRA and the Obama Oppositionby Leonard ZeskindGuns, ammo and paraphernalia were bought and sold like baseball trading cards at sixty-one gun shows in twenty-seven states during the ten days between August 14 and August 23. Certainly, there are still sportsmen...
by Leonard Zeskind | Aug 17, 2009 | 2009
The Zeskind Fortnight No. 19 by Leonard Zeskind and Devin Burghart [Devin Burghart, my colleague at the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, joined in researching, writing and thinking through this Fortnight. Thank you Devin.] Taking umbrage at the...
by Leonard Zeskind | Jul 17, 2009 | 2009
Pat Buchanan and the Mendacity of the Response to Sonia Sotomayor The Zeskind Fortnight No. 18 by Leonard Zeskind The hearings are over and Sonia Sotomayor will become our newest Supreme Court Justice. Republicans have neither the votes not the will to oppose her. In...
by Leonard Zeskind | Jun 30, 2009 | 2009
The Punic Wars and the Council of Conservative Citizens Six Months After Obama Enters the White House by Leonard ZeskindThe Zeskind Fortnight No. 17 Sam Dickson’s soliloquy on how “Aryan Europe” was saved from the “Semites” when Rome...