by Leonard Zeskind | Sep 9, 2009 | 2009
Guns, History, Nazis, and “Enemies of the State” The Zeskind Fortnight No. 20by Leonard Zeskind He was a lone figure in this video posted on the Kansas City Minuteman Civil Defense Corps website. Carrying a small piece of cardboard with “Tax the...
by Leonard Zeskind | Jun 28, 2001 | Articles, Op-Eds, Etc.
Book Reviews: The Shoah, in Its Time and OursHolocaust Historiography Seeks the Context for Moral InquiryThe Forward June 29, 2001by LEONARD ZESKINDThe Holocaust in American Life By Peter NovickHoughton Mifflin, 350 pages. paperback $15.Rethinking the Holocaust By...